Child Care and Early Education


The State of New Mexico PreK Initiative

New Mexico PreK is a voluntary program funded by the state of New Mexico. The PreK program began in 2005 to ensure that every child in New Mexico has the opportunity to attend a high quality early childhood education program before going to kindergarten.

The Purpose of New Mexico PreK

  • Increase access to voluntary high-quality pre-kindergarten programs
  • Provide developmentally appropriate activities for New Mexico children
  • Expand early childhood community capacity
  • Support linguistically and culturally appropriate curriculum
  • Focus on school readiness

Teachers carefully plan indoor and outdoor activities based on what children need to learn in seven areas:

  • Listening, language, reading, and writing
  • Science
  • Counting, shapes, sorting and measuring
  • Coordination, hygiene, health, and well-being
  • Art, music, and movement
  • Independence, problem-solving, thinking and perseverance
  • Appropriate behavior, social skills and being a part of a group

You won’t see children sitting quietly at desks in a PreK classroom. PreK children are active – busy – working.

Find a New Mexico PreK program near you!

Access NM PreK Materials Library!

PreK Observational Assessment Tools

Click below to access New Mexico’s PreK Observational Assessment Tools Training Program.

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Quick Links and Useful Information

Early Childhood Education and Family Services Portal

Moments Together NM

Am I Eligible Application for Child Care Assistance

YES NM Portal Application for Services