What is FOCUS On Young Children’s Learning?

FOCUS On Young Children’s Learning, New Mexico’s Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS), provides early childhood program personnel with the criteria, tools, and resources they need to improve the quality of their programs. These quality improvements focus on children’s growth, development, and learning – so that each child has an equitable opportunity to be successful when entering school.
FOCUS Criteria Breakdown by STAR Rating Levels
FOCUS Criteria Essential Elements of Quality – Center-Based Care
FOCUS Criteria Essential Elements of Quality – Home-Based Care
FOCUS Elementos Esenciales de Calidad – Programas de Cuidados Infantiles Familiares
FOCUS Materials Library
FOCUS Eligibility and Application (for Child Care Programs)
FOCUS is voluntary. Licensed family child care homes, child care centers, and school-age programs may apply. Programs must meet 2-STAR criteria to participate.
To JOIN the FOCUS program, apply here.
FOCUS Verification (for existing FOCUS programs)
Once a child care provider or program has been accepted into FOCUS, they will work towards the requirements of 3 STAR with an assigned FOCUS consultant until they are ready to be verified at that STAR quality rating level. Once they are ready to be verified, they will need to complete a VERIFICATION application.
- FOCUS Criteria/Criterio FOCUS
- New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines / Guías de Aprendizaje Temprano de Nuevo Mexico
- FOCUS Evaluation Overview / Sumario de la evaluacion de FOCUS
- Early Childhood Training/Professional Development Equivalencies Request Coversheet
- FOCUS Verification Resources
- GuidingPrinciplesBrochure_0
- FOCUS Policy 1
- FOCUS Professional Qualifications Policy 1 At a Glance
- SPN_FOCUS Professional Qualifications Policy 1 At a Glance