Child Care and Early Education

Developmental Programs

IDEA / Developmental Programs are used to help families who are concerned about their child’s development or for families who have identified developmental delays in their children.

Types of Developmental Programs

Early Intervention / Family Infant Toddler (F.I.T. Program)

NM Early Intervention services are provided to children up to age three who are eligible based on developmental delays or an established condition or disability and are typically provided in the child’s natural (home) environment. Eligibility for a NM FIT (Early Intervention) is typically determined by a medical diagnosis or an evaluation by a qualified clinician or therapist. [Free to qualifying families.]

Child Find / Special Education Preschool

Child Find is the affirmative, ongoing obligation of states and local school districts to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities residing within the jurisdiction who are in need of special education and related services. Child Find supports a child aged 3-5 (kindergarten entry) who are eligible for services that support delays and disabilities. These services are typically provided in a public-school setting, with learning or educational goals that are developed using an Individualized Education Plan. [Free to qualifying families.]


Quick Links and Useful Information

Early Childhood Education and Family Services Portal

Moments Together NM

Am I Eligible Application for Child Care Assistance

YES NM Portal Application for Services