Database Setup Questionnaire

Database Setup Questionnaire

Click the + to add multiple staff members
Staff Member Name
Email Address
Highest Level of Education
Endorsements or Certifications
Job Title
We will need staff names, email addresses, highest level of education, any endorsements or certifications, supervisor, and job titles to create user accounts. Your staff will have either open manager access, or General access that allows staff to only see their cases and work, no one else’s. If you have any staff that will need manager level access, please also indicate that with the above staff information, otherwise we will just assign staff General level access.
Click the + to add multiple agencies
Provider Type
We would like to have a list of some of the specific agencies that you expect to send referrals to such as WIC, physicians, clinics, employment office, dental clinics etc. You may be able to take a resource list published by the area health council to make this easier. Some programs have used a similar list and just marked agencies to be entered into the database. We will do the entry into the database initially and show you how to add to the provider list in the future.
What kind of computers will your staff be using?
What operating system will you be using?


Quick Links and Useful Information

Early Childhood Education and Family Services Portal

Moments Together NM

Am I Eligible Application for Child Care Assistance

YES NM Portal Application for Services